The Foot-launch Glider (Archaeopteryx)
The Archaeopteryx is a versatile high-end hang-glider in sailplane configuration with exceptional climbing ability. The elaborately made glider has been designed for foot launch on mountain slopes and for a variety of other launch methods such as bungee launch taking off from a mountain or launches on airfields using the methods of car towing, winch towing, trike aerotow and ultralight / LSA aerotow.
Thank you to its low sink rate and low airspeed – an outstanding climbing ability, efficiently using even the weakest and slightest lifts (microlift). This exceptional rate of climb and good gliding performance allow extended cross-country flights, even at low base and low altitude. The comfortable cockpit, optionally open or fully enclosed, plus the fatigue-free flight behaviour inspire and invite to long flights.
The aerodynamic controls are operated with the side stick on the right, the flap lever on the left and the adjustable foot pedals. There is an efficient flap over the entire span of the wing, superimposed by the aileron deflection on the outside and extensible on the inside for descent assistance. A slow approach is possible thanks to the variable flap positions, allowing small-scale and stress-free landings on standard hang glider landing paddocks and the smallest out landing fields. The Archaeopteryx is preferably landed on its wheels. Foot landing is possible.
Archaeopteryx offers holistically good-natured and forgiving flight characteristics. In case of stall, it does not tilt over the wing tip but indicates the stall with clear buffeting and pitches slightly nose down to take up speed again. The glider shows absolutely no tendency to spin either. Due to the slowness, there is time left to act, the launch and landing speed is low.
Archaeopteryx has a specially developed and tested light weight rescue system. The extraction of the parachute from the fuselage nose is done by a pyrotechnic rocket. Fast, reliable and in every flight attitude.
Near the control-stick is the rocket release handle, this encourages an instantaneous pilot reaction without any search. The 68 m2 large canopy of the latest technology provides more security and confidence. Connected with the plane and pilot by the elaborate suspension system, it ensures minimum sink rate in an emergency.
Now who would not want one of these!!